Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

Preparing for battle

Eco daughter was up early this morning, so we had breakfast, finished homework, got ready for football and stripped sticks of their bark with a knife all before 9.00AM.

Then it was off to football, 3-0 down after 5 minutes, the boys looked like destroying us. The girls got their act together and eventually got beat 5-2. An incedribly turn around with a 0-0 secodn half, well done girls.

Got back had a quick lunch and got all the stuff ready to go to the allotment.

Dug over a plot put some rooster pellets on it and at last got the broad beans in the ground. Got most of the shallots in and moved the hops plant to a better position and the cardoon.

Came back home and Eco daughter and her pals were washing the street cars, set up the power washing, they said they were rasing money to buy 300 bricks from ebay, they want to build a den, for these entrepreneurs it will be a dragon's den.

Eco daughter has collected all her sponsorship- £86 for Comic Relief, all for not talking....

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