Random Ramblings

By McJax


A free morning! Enjoyed a late breakfast, time by the pool (at 9:45am it was hitting 30c so I got my vitamin D fix for 20 mins), then a lovely walk through the hotel grounds, surrounded by farmland - coconuts, rice paddy fields, bananas. Lots of birds & butterflies.

In the afternoon, a visit to Yala park, famous for leopards. Well it was crazy .... our guide got word of a leopard sighting and we hightailed it there, as did 20-25 other jeeps who refused to budge and it all got a bit heated.

We did eventually see the big guy but he was in bushes eating a wild boar. Must have spent best part of an hour to get that view for a few minutes.

Back to the calmness of the hotel and a delicious curry dinner. Interesting chat about Brexit, EU and Scottish independence ... varied views and opinions, best left alone as we still have 2 days with these 4 strangers!

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