If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis)

Kanyl being a bit of a Galanthophile has Snshowersowdrops scattered round many parts of his garden.  Being there visiting him I nipped out between to look for blips.  Not having blipped a Snowdrop this year they had to be the choice.  I have named in nivalis because I didn't have the sense to ask him which one it was.  All I can be certain of is it isn't woronowii, that one I can recognise.

I find it interesting that despite seeing swathes of Snowdrops growing "wild" there is a doubt that they are actually a native plant.  While they are native to damp woods and meadows on the continent they were not recorded in the wild in the UK until the late 18th Century (according to the wildlife trust).

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