
3years 91days

Last night, Mummy started the "making giant ice marbles" craft. Ballons, water, food colouring, leave to freeze, burst balloon, giant marble. It was messy. Be warned. I set them outside ready to freeze overnight.

This is Katie this morning, over 12 hours later, checking if they'd frozen. They hadnt. I had tried to do it with water bombs, to make smaller ones, but it was sooo not happening!! And i had only red food colour, it looked like a massacre. But she's excited by them.

Katie went to church this morning with Lydia and her family as I was doing a snowy family shoot. Apparently she spent lots of the time with her big cousin and had loads of fun, she came back with a stack of pictures and chatting away. I am a Christian, and yes, its important to me to introduce Church to her. But on top of that, I love that at church she has found a really special group of friends, does activities that are different to what she does anywhere else, and its already important to her.

She asked to play in her room when she got back - she doesnt do this all that often, she likes to play in the same room as me, but is asking a little more. She had a long play before coming downstairs to play in the lounge. I havent yet dared to go up.

We're going to get a taxi to the shops, to just get a bit of fresh air and buy some new balloons. More snow overnight, so "them-what-know" are saying, so making the most of the cold temperatures tonight to freeze Effort 2 at the giant marbles!!

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