Every Day I Write The Book
If your life were a book, would you find it an interesting read? Would it make you smile, cry, laugh out loud, applaud even? Would it raise your spirits or dampen your ardour?
What would the cover look like? Pristine and shiny or soiled and curled at the edges? Would the description on the outside match the contents within, or would the glossy exterior belie a shady interior?
And the spine, would that be solid and upright or would it be unstable and crumbling?
Would certain pages make you cringe, and want to tear the pages out out and burn them in secret? Or would you just shrug your shoulders and leave everything in, warts and all? Would you choose not to read certain chapters, or would you tackle them full-on? Is there anything you'd like re-written?
Would the contents be informative, intelligent and humorous?
Would it be well-travelled, or one content to stay on the shelf and watch life pass by?
Maybe it's large, maybe small, or just something in between.
The blip title is inspired by this song by Elvis Costello
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