
By trabroun

Eradicate Eradicate Eradicate Eradicated ? yippee

I have been troubled recently
Troubled by a few things, most within my control
But not this time

Our pc got hit by a very nasty persistent parasitical virus which rendered it "duff"

So our friendly IT bod got his hands on it and in two weeks managed to eradicated the problem

We have a new system and got so many spy-bots, firewalls, ad vast etc that by the time you switch on the pc and it's booted up, you've gone and made a cuppa and ready for blip.

The little blighter above is the closest thing we had in the house of a virus - well its not really as it's a bacterial infection - Helicobacter Pylori - yer guid auld stomach ulcer inducing blighter

However it has meant I have had to back blip quite a few!

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