Visiting the Manatees

We got up this morning after breakfast, and...and...and...WENT GOLFING! The place where Robert and Linda live has a short course (with mostly pitch-and-putt holes), and it felt good to swing a club after many years. Lisa even played a few holes!

After golfing, we went to this manatee spot, that backs right up to a Florida Power and Light plant. In the winter, the giant mammals seek a place where the water is warmer. We ended up seeing about 6-7 manatees.

After stopping to see the Atlantic Ocean, we drove right past where President Trump resides when he is in Florida...the Mar-a-Lago Resort...which Mr. Trump calls the Winter White House. Two policemen were directing traffic, so I couldn't stop to take a picture.

After supper, there was some more euchre...where Lisa and I soundly thrashed our host and hostess.

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