
So this afternoon I went to the garage to get a new wheel and tyre fitted. I was booked in for 13:30 and told between 60 and 90 minutes. I got a call yesterday asking if I could be there at 13:15 so I got there at 13:05 - I didn't know how long it would take to get there because there are lots of roadworks and I had to take it easy on the damaged wheel. Very nice waiting area, "free" coffee (the job was costing in excess of £400 so that free coffee is coming at a price) so I settled in to wait. I'm fine with waiting, I had my tablet PC so I could read or surf the web - at the outside I expected to be clear by 15:00. At 15:00 someone called my name and I turned round to see someone coming towards me carrying a wheel. "This is the wheel we had delivered for you and it has a mark on it. Will you accept this or shall we order another one for you?" Yes, I was surprised that at the time the job should be finished they've still got the new wheel, without a tyre, being presented like a bottle of wine in a restaurant. I suggested that they fit the thing as this car isn't designed to run on three wheels. I also asked how much longer it would take, formula one teams can swap a wheel in seconds but clearly not these blokes. I explained that I had budgeted to be leaving at 15:00 at the latest but that wasn't looking likely. I finally got the keys back at 16:00. Had I been told it would take that long it would have been fine but their management of my expectations was dreadful and managing expectations is at the heart of good customer service. We agreed a £50 discount for the mark on the wheel and keeping me hanging around like piffy.

So I battled the school run home, brushed my teeth and headed out to meet someone who I chat with on social media who is visiting from Abroad (Anglesey). I picked her up at her hotel and we went into Maidstone for a lovely Thai meal and a smashing chat. Karma (or Carma?)

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