Little and large

We’ve had a great day at Addo, driving ourselves round the Park. Sadly we did not come across a huge herd of elephants at a waterhole, as we have on every other occasion, but we did enjoy watching a family group as they made their way through the trees. And with them was this tiny one. We have seen lots of interesting birds, a pair of fabulous Water Buffalo. One of our best spots was a Dung Beetle actually pushing a ball of elephant dung across the road. The flightless Dung Beetle uses Dung to make food balls and brood balls.  There are warnings in the Park not to drive over elephant dung as it may contain beetles!

(I would add a few of these sights as extras, but access to Wi-fi is limited to times when we are in the dining room and then it comes and goes. I’m just hoping I can get this blip posted.)

We are going on a night drive tonight, so might see some nocturnal animals. Tomorrow we move on. We are hot at the moment, it’s going to get a bit hotter.

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