
This is daughter J who has obtained accommodation in Auckland, and is moving in over the next week or so. During which time she is also visiting a very good friend who stays in Christchurch. Today, she and S and I went to the large garden centre at Silverdale (about half way back to Auckland), and she bought a plant to have in her new room. Here, she is sitting in the doorway of my shed (the only shed I have ever had, I will point out), and putting her new purchase into an appropriate pot for its new home.

Today has not been the best of days. When I took the tumble a week ago, I banged the lateral aspect of my right thigh, and have had a tender spot since. It appeared to be improving as were all the other banged around bits of me. But today, it has been very tender, and has interfered with movement such that even my desire to walk/jog/run every day had to be shelved.

Massage, ice and rest I guess.

With lots of encouragement, I have joined the Lovers of Light group, and made three entries.

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