
We haven't really had any really bad weather this winter so far. But today was cold. I went for a little walk around the block first thing this morning and we were slipping and sliding all over the place because the pavements were so icy. After breakfast we went out for a longer walk and because it was so icy we walked mainly on the grass. I found a big wooden log and tried to carry it but it wouldn't fit in my small delicate mouth. Boohoo.

This afternoon we went to 'Bonaly Country Park' but it started to rain. In fact it wasn't really rain. It was big lumpy ice particles that hurt our faces. So we only did a short walk and then we went to Tesco. I had to wait in the car while Ann was in Tesco and she was ever so rude to me when she got back into the car. The car windows were all steamed up and she said, 'Trixie, you stink. The whole car smells of wet dog.' Well, it wasn't my fault that I got wet on my walk was it? And lets face it...................... Obviously the car is going to smell of wet dog if I'm wet isn't it? It's hardly likely to smell of wet cat?!

And that's about as exciting as it's got today.

PS – Ann ventured into the gym today as she's preparing for her #Febchallenge2020 which is #29daystoafitterthinnerbody She did 10 mins each on the treadmill and cross trainer and it just about killed her. Then she swam 60 lengths. ...............….Apparently walking me is not enough exercise.

Oh and then she bought two 'dine in for two' meals, plus a bag of potatoes, all for £21 (see extras) at Tesco because she has the girlies coming round for dinner tomorrow night. Why would anybody want to cook from scratch when Tesco or M&S or any of the other major supermarkets do it so much better?

Oh well, hey ho, Ann's personal nutritionist/fitness advisor (ie her sister, Sue) has popped menu plans etc in the post today so she can be all prepared for the 1st Feb. Ann's going to record her #Febchallenge2020 on instagram so if anyone wants to follow her, her name is '29daystoafitterthinnerbody' Lol!

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