
By Parsnipcat

Please turn on your magic beam

I missed helping with the remainder of the pantomime performances due to the heavy snowfall so this is a picture taken at the dress rehearsal on Monday evening. I was especially gutted about the snow as it meant that I didn't get chance to take any pictures of the giants costume which I was helping the wearer get into each night and got a huge gasp from the audience as it was about 9 foot tall and totally awesome.

During the second act of the show, a sand fairy in a gold flowing dress sings to the giant to send him to sleep so that Jack and his friends can escape down the beanstalk and I've had the words to "Mr Sandman" going round in my head on and off all week. The "bungs" are a tad annoying but it's a great song.

I was reminded of the sandman again in a conversation last night and googled him to get the full folklore story. It is said that the sandman brings good dreams by sprinkling sand onto the eyes of children as they sleep. I wonder if he does the same for adults too?! Here's hoping as it's now 1.45am and I'm AWAKE!

In the current climate I feel I should possibly be singing Mr Snowman, bring me a dream!

Mr Sandman - The Chordettes

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