It's a Journey....

By LeeAnn

Day of Celebration!

15 months ago a young piano student of mine, T, was diagnosed with a brain tumor. She has been treated with surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy since that time. 15 months!

A group of her friends started making and selling bracelets like this to raise money for T so that she could buy an American Girls Doll. This was such a great way for these friends to know that they were helping. After wearing my bracelet for a month or so, I have had it hanging on my desk lamp where I see it every day. Through all of this T has been such a strong and brave little girl. She was 8 when she was diagnosed. She has continued to come to piano lessons through most of this!

I just read a post by her Mom, that T had her last chemotherapy treatment yesterday! She is finally finished and doing great. Now her hair can grow back and she can get her normal little girl life back! I read that post with happy and thankful tears.

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