Moesau bwrdd

Moesau bwrdd ~ Table manners

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Gwnaethon ni gofalu am Zoe eto heddiw.  Ar ôl gwibdaith o gwmpas Tesco mewn troli aethon ni â hi i'r bwyty. Doedd dim digon o gadeiriau uchel, felly eisteddodd Zoe ar y bwrdd i rannu cacennau te gyda ni.  Mae moesau bwrdd da iawn gyda Zoe, ac mae hi'n gallu bwydo ei hunan os dych chi'n torri'r bwyd i mewn darnau bach.

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We looked after Zoe again today. After a trip around Tesco in a trolley we took her to the restaurant. There were not enough high chairs, so Zoe sat on the table to share tea cakes with us. Zoe has very good table manners, and she can feed herself if you cut the food into small pieces.

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