In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

It’s too late

Funny kind of day today.
We had a delivery of logs ordered that was supposed to come this afternoon. Woke up to a message that he would be early.
He came just before midday. Whilst we were still eating breakfast. Yes, yes, I know. It’s the hours we keep.
Anyhow, our usual assistants weren’t available, so it was just June and I. Great
exercise. But it done is in for anything else.
So for dinner it was a Chinese take away, then Xmas pudding and custard for desert. Nope, it’s never too late for Xmas Pudding. We have another one in the cupboard.
Ended up going to bed about 2130. Very early for us.

Got a message for our dear friend in USA that another friend died very suddenly last Friday.

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