Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky


Firstly, many thanks for all the stars and hearts on my anniversary blip yesterday. Today’s blip is a journal entry from the diary I kept during my trip to India. My late father in law was stationed in India during the Second World War. He was a talented artist and a member of the Royal Cambrian Academy. He had little paper available as he travelled to different postings in the country but drew many sketches on scraps of paper. His son later assembled these drawings and visited India himself to locate the towns and villages and the exact spots where the artist made his drawings. Local people assisted with this as obviously the locations had changed over the years in many cases. An Indian museum now has a copy of the drawings and the photographic record of the locations that mirror the viewpoints of the drawings on display Mrs TT had the idea that I should record our trip to India in the same way and bought me a leather bound Indian journal for Christmas. I diligently used this for the three weeks I was away and drew a sketch every day.

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