Sledging snowballs and snowmen

I ran to a pretty unpleasant character this morning. There I was walking along taking stuff to a charity shop, minding my own business when I spotted three cartons of milk with an unusual colour. I stopped and thought I'd take a photo so I walked back.

'Hey you,' said someone behind me across the road, 'f***in leave the milk alone.'

'Erm, I'm going to take a photo of it' I replied.

'Well just leave the f***in milk alone.' he said again.

I was kind of thinking, person minding own business on public highway, wandering past dairy products left in front of restaurant, not touching them, wanting to take a photo, then gets verbally accosted by someone presumably not happy to be working in an antiques shop that early on a Saturday morning. I felt like saying something quite extreme but decided to refrain. I think his business might get some negative feedback on a website.

The day certainly improved the later it went on, sledging with the wee man and the rest of the family.


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