
By annasmum22

Take a moment ....

Today is holocaust Remembrance Day..... and the poem below gives focus to what we should remember ..

I can still vividly recall my trip to Auschwitz, many years ago, the silence and and eerie atmosphere as you arrive and the terror within - I could only begin to imagine the absolute atrocity that lived in that place that haunted me for months after the trip and now 20 + years later I can still picture the gas chambers we walked through, see the cabinets of shoes, glasses and hair on display, the sleeping areas and as I sometimes think we live in a cruel world, I cannot comprehend such hatred and the hatred for a race that this regime imposed - today I will remember .......

Remember this, and never again,
Repeat these actions of blinded men,
Remember this, and never again,
Set out to torture, starve, and maim.
Remember the image, the shame that we see,
When compassion and love lost its memory,
Remember when man, turned its back on mankind,
And because of his greed, left its conscience behind.
Remember the rails, that are rusting today,
Where millions of souls were carried away,
Remember the faces, the hollowed-out skin,
And the eyes of the people, still surviving within.
Remember the shoes, and the dolls and the toys,
And the hope that was gone, from these young girls and boys,
Remember the old and the sense of despair,
When death and defilement hung in the air.
Remember these days, remember them well,
When humanity was living and dwelling in hell,
Remember the shame from the pictures you see,
And of who they all were, and how it came to be.
Remember what caused this?. A dictator`s lust,
That wanted a race to be ground into dust,
Remember the shame that we all feel today?
Then don`t let this memory, fade away.

An apology from humanity, Rest in perfect Peace.

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