TallGirl, far left, delivering the goods with a 4th quarter basket. Her team lost 54-40 to a very strong side. TallGirl is in the town's second team, whereas most towns just field one team and the weaker players just don't get a game. Here the club believes that everyone should get some match-time. Anyway, they fought hard and should be proud of that. And I noticed, not for the first time, that TallGirl runs funny. But, for the first time, I thought maybe we could do something about it.
Basketball aside, it was a day of an unconscionably long lie-in, blood orange marmalade stage 1, 'bergamot' lemon curd, 'bergamot' lemon meringue pie and a rather enjoyable Radio 4 play. Now I like lemon curd, and consider myself a good judge of quality. I've even made it several times, with varying degrees of success. But today's was far and away the nicest lemon curd I've ever tasted - all down to the lemons, and to a rather easy recipe I found which takes a lot of the terror out of the process. Mind you, I don't think it'll keep very long.
(Mind you, I don't think it'll last very long...)
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