That's Cold On My Feet
Day two of snowmageddon. There's more snow forecast for Tuesday night. The big freeze has started now. I don't mind snow, but the day after when its all compacted to ice on the pavements I hate. It's like a skating rink outside, so it's just as well I haven't left the house today! I've just watched the people slip sliding past our front window.
I am still get a decent number of birds visiting our "urban" garden. The Blackbirds were still a permanent fixture with the Jackdaws. The Pied Wagtail dropping with his mate, and as you can see from this picture, he's not that keen on snow!
I managed to get the Dunnock shot I got distracted from with yesterday's Chaffinch blip.
Here's some of the other shots, more can be found in my Tonyrefail Flickr Set.
Tonyrefail Pied Wagtail In The Snow
Tonyrefail Wagtail In The Snow #2
Blackbird On A Penguin
Tonyrefail Dunnock In The Snow
Tonyrefail Dunnock In The Snow #2
And a late, would have been my blip on any other day from yesterday. Our local Indian restaurant built this awesome snowman last night, and the photo got gatecrashed by a few Ton Girls! Mouchak Snowman And Friends
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