A lifetime of memories in the bin.   My aunt had hundreds of photos so I was given the task of sorting them out.  I have kept family photos including a few which presumably were of her own grandparents, but unfortunately not named, and now there is no one left to identify them.  I can identify many as her friends and there are some of unknown weddings and christenings as well as former work colleagues and holidays. 
It has made me realise how many photo albums we have and perhaps we should be ruthless and throw out many photos which will be of no interest to the family.  A friend has discarded nearly all of hers and kept only 200 in one album but I would find it difficult to cull them down to so few.  There are also thousands on the computer but one disadvantage of those is that perhaps in about hundred years it will be easier for family to see the actual originals in hard copy if data storage methods have changed.  Meanwhile I do find it easier looking for them on the computer.

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