I have a problem
Well, a quick change of mind in posting today. I was going to post the extra as the main...and vice versa. Let me explain...
Perhaps this post should have started: "My name is Lorraine and I have a problem..." Yup, I'm a hoarder and for some reason I find it difficult to get rid of things. The items in the main picture are a good example. You see, I've been bimbling today, cleaning and baking and suchlike. But I actually had to force myself to get rid of an empty egg box (I thought it would be useful to pot up those little turmeric shoots I've been cultivating since I picked them up in a market in La Rochelle) and no less than nine ice cream tub lids, where the actual tubs are being used for storage in the kitchen and elsewhere. Yes, I did actually have to have a severe word with myself to drop them into the recycling box!
Anyway, the second pic was originally intended to be the main. It's a special gizmo I ordered so that I could mix dressings - olive oil in one side and balsamic vinegar in the other was my intention. I've had it for several months and it was still safely wrapped in its packing, when it occurred to me that I could use it for my homemade cleaning potions. So, in one side I have a vinegar mix (1:2 vinegar to water with a drop of Fairy) and in the other I have a spirit mix (1:2 surgical spirits to water with a drop of Fairy)...then I can even mix them 50:50 or any variation in between. What fun! (God, I need to get out more.)
However, Mr A and I did pop out briefly at lunchtime, when we met up with The Boy at his work to drop off some things for him and collect some things for us, plus it gave us a chance to sample the on-site café. Verdict - very good. We'll go again.
Now it's Friday night and the best night of the week - woo hoo.
Thought for the day:
"Begin to see yourself as a soul with a body, rather than a body with a soul." (Wayne W. Dyer)
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