
By BernardYoung

My Career As A Curtain

‘Instead of hiding behind the curtain, be the curtain itself; you will never be found!’
Mehmet Murat ildan 

‘Shut the windows, draw the curtains, keep the rumour out!’
― L.P. Hartley, The Hireling

It was easy being a curtain.
All I had to do was hang around.
Sometimes open. Sometimes closed.
There was no stress. I was always certain
of what was required of me.

I wasn’t a thick, heavy curtain, full
of dust and odours. I was a veil,
a pale sheet if you like, a slight presence
that let in light. I had an innate sense
of what was right. I was discreet.

And I kept the rumours out. For you’d
be amazed at what was suggested went on
behind me. Some rumours were crude,
of course. Some far-fetched. I’d have denied
them all, if asked. But would I have lied?

Ah well, who’s to say. But no one questions
curtains. All you have to do is hang around.
Open sometimes. Sometimes closed. So
here’s a tip - if you are a very private person
I’d recommend becoming a curtain.

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