Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Today I made use of some old skills of mine... carving wood... This took f o r e v e r!! I'm not sure what tree this came from, but it was really resistant! When I came to work our temp supervisor, Rebecka, was away with our supervisor to the shop were only businesses can buy flowers and other materials from. I didn't know what to do, so I took some own initiative and thought that we certainly would need a pointier stick to put our Oasis balls on. There's one in the pot in the blipp... 
When Rebecka came back she was pleased with my progress, so my initiative was correct. After the break we continued for about 15 minutes, then we had a staff meeting - a short one, our supervisor said... Eh, no... it lasted 55 minutes and then there was nothing else for me to do than put away my knife and sweep the part of the table I'd used. Rebecka would finish one of the decorations to show me how on Monday. I would finish my Oasis ball then. And after that I went to change into workout clothes and down to the gym I went. It was nice, even though I only made three different exercises (two for my bad back and one chest exercise), since I'd gotten quite the 'workout' when I carved the stick. :D
After the workout I had a quick chatt with my boss about working a bit longer on Fridays, since I felt like I could work to 11 and then take the workout afterwards. My goal is to prolong Mondays too, half an hour, and the slowly reaching 4 hours a day. My boss told me that they will not let me go until I've reached 50% work/ week, so last of September is not a fixed date. I told her I was pleased to hear that. 
I also saw a small change in one of the Geranium seeds! So much fun! I showed my boss and she was as excited as I. :D 
And now it's Friday. It'll be nice to sleep a little longer tomorrow, and then I need to make room for a cabinet I'm buying on Sunday at IKEA. :) 

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