The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Fog and fox

The second day of the fog, and I had an encounter with the pied fox of Arnside on top of the Knott this morning. Here he is sporting his light winter jacket.

I like the foggy days when I don't have to travel anywhere. The still quietness of the hilltop is punctuated only by the conversations of the bullfinch pairs, the sweet song of territorial robins, and the wheezing 'song' of wood pigeons. The road noise doesn't seem to carry this far through the thick, clammy air. My favourite view from the Knott was particularly interesting this morning, see extra.

We had planned to go to the cinema this afternoon, but in the end we didn't make it, the car never left the drive. Mañana?

The fog cleared and the sky brightened at the end of the day. What will tomorrow morning bring?

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