Life through the lens...

By ValC

Inside Out.

More snow!
Bossy Blackbird hogging the bird table again, with the collard dove waiting its turn.

This was taken from the kitchen window, and what I liked was the reflection on the right.
This is the view from the lounge window at the other side of the house.
We have glass panels in the door between the two rooms, and this has reflected through the glass, and out of the window and reflected on to the tree!! Not quite sure how!

Had a walk out down to the village to collect our Saturday Yorkshire Post.
I like all the weekend supplements!
There were more people about than usual. All decided to leave the car, and walk to the local shops. A good job we still have some!

No doubt the children will be loving the snow. We saw quite a few with sledges, off to the slopes !
Not good for snowmen or snowballs as it is very powdery.
Good job it is the weekend!

Have fun everyone!

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