
By Madchickenwoman


Took my car for a service which meant a long walk home! I put multiple layers on as there was another hard frost! Wouldn't you know it as I drove up out of the village there was no frost! It was a lovely walk home and as I dropped back down into the valley there was the frost still! 
I remember doing this walk about a year ago and it being sheer torment. It involves walking along roads with no pavements at first and Oscar had kept walking into the road rather than staying by the hedgerows. I also had severe stomach cramps and was in a state of high anxiety the whole walk! This time Oscar was much better behaved and the stomach cramps were only mild near the end of the walk! Shows how much better I am!
I loved it when I was in the valley with Oscar off lead and the frost glinting in the sunlight. This particular path along a small stream was particularly beautiful. I'm sure there must be a word for the mist that rises off water - but I couldn't find it! One suggestion was fume but that is more for a noxious mist and this one certainly wasn't that! When I next saw The Exile  she said brume - she then got back in contact with me and said that was the French word for it! She was impressed with herself for knowing it in French!

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