Twin Larder
A quick stop to see Karla at Twin Larder in Ash today. It’s such a glorious shop and I came out with a wonderful selection of local products including coffee beans, linseeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, pecan nuts, chocolate brazils and a solid shampoo bar for curly hair. I even took along my own greaseproof sandwich bags to transport my goodies. But, oh my…those chocolate brazil nuts are just to die for, so I shall have to go back for more sometime (very) soon.
My snaps today are the lovely Karla measuring out my purchases - you can see all the bags on the counter - plus one of the shop front (featuring my Daisy).
After that I went around to see Mum, who has still not been feeling too good since her fall. Her bruised ribs have been causing a lot of pain, particularly since her catarrh is back and she keeps having to cough. So, “Nurse Rainey” went along armed with my blood pressure monitor (hers was burnt in the fire and we’ve not replaced it yet – but her readings were just fine) and supplies of homeopathy – both the Symphytum (to help heal bones) plus Calc Fluor, which is reputed to help ease catarrh and arthritis. It also turns out she’s been drinking lots of orange juice in an attempt to ease the catarrh, but from what I found out online this can actually exacerbate the trouble, so suggested she switch to just water and fruit tea with a little honey for a few days. Well, while I was there, she improved so much and was amazed. Of course, we cannot tell if it was the water, removal of orange juice, homeopathy, having company…or what. But the main thing is that she felt better with the cessation of the continual coughing/clearing her throat.
A good day indeed.
Thought for the day:
“The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.” (Caroline Myss)
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