Sickly Selfie

Not my best pic and not the best pic of me, ha! But blip covers the good the bad and the ugly doesn’t it?! And this is how I looked and felt for most of the day - pounding headache & what felt like a steel band around my eyes/head.
Danny was a superstar and took over all morning duties and dealt with the electrician when he came, late morning, to fix our wrecked system (the eléctrica outside got wet in the storm and blew everything). 2.5 days without a hot water/a working kitchen, and we were grateful it was fixed!
This afternoon Asha created me a relaxation area in bed - she googled calming music, got extra pillows, a book, made me a cup of tea... bless her! She said she was doing what her heart told her to, haha! Bless her!
Danny landed on his feet this evening when he got a call from a friend saying he’d somehow got a spare ticket for the highly coveted football match between little old Ibiza and big Barcelona FC! They’re playing in the Copa del Rey...Danny had 10 mins to run to the stadium. Despite Ibiza being amazing and scoring within 9 mins, Barca won 2-1 with a goal in extra time.
We had an unexpected visit from Sinead and Darcey which was nice - I was grateful I’d showered and got into clean pjs!!! Lovely to see them for a bit.

Today I’m grateful for;
1) Danny being a kind husband.
2) Electricity and hot water!
3) My head feeling better come evening - just fluffy inside...

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