Looking Foxy and Random Jumping

This photo was taken in pretty much in the same spot as yesterday but we were earlier today so the professional dog walkers weren't out and about. However, we did meet a couple of people who thought I was a fox?! Actually loads of people think I'm a fox. Often, I'll be running about and Ann can hear people saying such things as, 'Wow, look at that fox.' And then Ann shouts, 'Trixie come'. And I go zooming towards her and people realise I'm a cute little collie pup and NOT a fox!

…...........But the thing that is annoying Ann most about my behaviour at the moment is my 'random jumping up at people'. She's pretty much solved the problem if I'm on my lead, or if people come to our house........................... but if I'm off lead on a walk I'm a nightmare. Ann's words not mine!

Take today for example........................ there I was, trotting along in 'good dog mode'. We passed loads of people and I didn't 'jump'. And then, for reasons, only known to me, I 'jumped up' at a lady who was power walking. She didn't mind. She thought I was the cutest little dog ever. But Ann did mind??!! And then while Ann was apologising for my behaviour the lady said she was pregnant Ann just thought she was fat! Why do I do this? It would be so much easier if I 'jumped up' at everyone then I'd be kept on my lead for the rest of my life but I don't.

Here's hoping 'Adolescent Dog Training Classes' will sort me out???


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