Republic Thousand Rivers

By castrexoman

Port Derricks and Sun in the West

O Ocaso do Día.

Sol no Ocaso, terminou a xornada, Guindastres parados.
Guindastres que descansan esperando o Amencer.
Guindastres que cando traballan, buscan dar traballo.
Guindastres que axudan a cruzar os sete Mares.
Guindastres que non especulan, non manexan ladrillos.
Guindastres Sostibles, que ata integranse na Paisaxe.
Guindastres Portuarios, Guindastres da Ría.
Guindastres que esperan plácidamente o xurdir da Lúa Nova,
acompañándose polo murmurio da marea.

Vijoo, tan Caótico e tan Sublime ao mesmo Tempo.
Terra de acollida de Castrexos da Montaña,
Terra de Esperanza, antes e agora

The West of the Day.

Sun in the West, finished the day, stopped Derricks.
Derricks that rest waiting for the Dawn.
Derricks that when they work, seek to give work.
Derricks that help us to cross seven Seas.
Derricks that do not speculate, do not handle bricks.
Sustainable Derricks, which up to join the Landscape.
Port derricks, Derricks of her Laugh.
Derricks that expect to arise placidly from the New Moon,
accompanying for the ripple of the tide

Vigo, so Chaotic and so Sublime, at the same Time.
Land of reception of Castrexos of the Mountain,
Land of Hope, before and now.

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