A Loire Year

By Loirewinetours

Mariage pour tous

We've been in 'manifestation' mode recently and today we marched in Saumur where the mayor is anti-gay marriage. So for us the march was all the more significant.

Whether you agree with gay marriage or not the issue is one of equality. This was summed up for me in what I heard and saw today. The young chap in the photo wore a banner saying he was heterosexual but would not get married until his friends were able to do so. The young man marching with his girlfriend wore a banner that said he had two mothers and wanted equality for them. Another was marching so that her friends could have the same rights as her. You see we are all one big family. We deserve to have the same rights and protection as everyone else. The world is full of gay families so why should their children not be granted the same rights. If your daughter or son was gay it wouldn't make them a bad parent would it?

I was distressed by the anti-marriage march in Paris last week not because of any gay issue but because we have a friend who is straight, single and has adopted a daughter. I was imagining how she and her daughter would be feeling when they saw the placards - 'une famille = une maman et un pere' they chanted! If only we lived in such an ideal world.

So if you are up for it come and join us in Paris on the 27th January. France is lagging so way behind the rest of Europe on this issue that it is embarrassing. So come and march your way into the history books and one fine day you will be able to say - I was there and we made a difference.

Rant over - I thank you.

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