All things me

By KatiePie


I was going to prattle on about anxiety and depression and things but I don't have the all the words and to be honest it wouldn't be a great read, so I won't.

Sausage sarnies, my super warm snow boots, my fantastic earmuff headphones, Scruffalot and a two mile stomp in the snow. That's my morning so far.
Then I got the snow shovel out and cleared some of the path out the front when I got home.

A chat with a not-IRL friend helped too. Support is often found in the least likely places.

Littlest has a sore throat and a bit of a temp. His voice sounds like there are some swollen tonsils in there. Am hoping keeping him warm and keeping him fed and watered and rested might hold whatever it is at bay.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go and make a lasagne for tomorrow's lunch and defrost some Chinese pancakes so we can have duck pancakes for tea.

Stay warm and safe :)

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