What a glorious day it's been ...
I planned to head back up the allotment, once the day had warmed up, so filled two redundant coffee jars with peeled pickling onions ready for finishing later. Nipped up to get the paper, filled my coffee flask & off I set.
Quite pleased with what I achieved yesterday, but thought I could probably cut down a bit more with the bow saw. Managed everything up to about 3"diameter then found it hard going. I laid all that I cut on top of the hedge trying to keep it tidy. It's the Virgo in me :) What am I doing, it's a field hedge for goodness sake!!!! The farmer has cut his side of the hedge quite tight, shame he could'nt extend the arm and do the total depth. Sent a friend a message, hoping he might have a chainsaw, he rang me back. He did, but did'nt replace it after he had all his tools stolen backalong. Plan B..... I did'nt have a plan B. Then Jackie arrived on the allotment site, Stuart, her hubby, has one. Just as I was leaving the site he arrived, we had a quick chat then arranged to attack the remainder of the hedge on Thursday morning. Brilliant!
Back home, l rustled up a quick late lunch, gave the birds some food to keep them warm overnight, had a quick look at the Sunday magazine supplement, then began prepping for dinner. Braised pheasant with chestnuts. Made a huge smoked bacon, sweet pepper, corn, broccoli & cheese quiche. Have'nt made quiche for yonks ... I did'nt bake the shell blind, probably should have, anyway I popped in the oven and it leaked ... dripping egg onto the bottom of the oven .. ARGH!!! Did'nt lose too much egg custard BUT it stuck to the flan tin (loose bottom) hence the leaking egg. I came up with the very witty Quiche de resistance. Well I thought it was funny. Dinner was delicious, even though I say so myself. Hubby volunteered to clean the oven. Not sure what he's used, it smells like he's used furniture polish, & it has'nt worked.
These are my old, old, retired walking boots. They could tell some stories, been away on many outings, even climbed Mount Kinabalu, so I'm a bit attached to them as you can imagine. They stand guard outside my shed on the allotment planted up.
Thanks to Marlieske for hosting Derelict Sunday
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