LA9 to CA95010 and back..

By LA9toCA95010

Soul just got fed a little....

The last month or so have been pretty disruptive: moving house, farewells, paperwork, sending my firstborn into the unknown of a foreign school, jumping off the edge of one place without knowing exactly where we'd end up, trying to navigate banks, cellphones, power adapters, American Tetley tea bags.

This morning, still fired up early on jet-lag, I dropped aforementioned firstborn at school and parked 3 minutes away. Crossed the road, hot footed it over the railway track, walked across the parking lot and.....caught my breath.

When I first came here, I thought it sounded odd that this is called the "ocean". I'd always said "sea". But it makes perfect sense now - it really does have something especially big and uplifting. For the scientist in me, I can probably just put it down to ozone. But actually it's food for the soul. And it's gorgeous.

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