Ticking Away the Moments

By wiiaholic

Feed the birds...

Glad I'd already decided to work from home today, as it wasn't too bad at the time I'd normally leave for work but started snowing heavily not long afterwards.

Some of my colleagues got in to work but the snow was coming down thick & fast so they left again at 11.30 to find the city at gridlock and cars sliding round all over the place. One of the guys got home at 3pm - normally takes him 20 mins. Apparently the gritters couldn't get where they needed to be due to the traffic chaos but that seems the wrong way round really, aren't they supposed to grit the roads before the chaos ensues?! I'm sure our village gets gritted more often than Birmingham roads.

Anyway, cosy day for me wrapped up warm indoors on the computer in the spare room. Got lots of work done too.

Took this photo this morning after Gary had been out to make sure all the bird feeders were topped up and the water defrosted. His footprints got covered up by more snow later but it seems to have stopped snowing at last now.

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