
The best part of today was having my stitches out! I didn't think they were bothering me that much but now they're gone my mouth feels sooo much better. I can even eat (very, very cautiously) on that side. Whoop!

Work  wasn't so great, I have no motivation to do anything other than the immediate at the moment which is not good for a strategic role.  Job outcomes, or not, are due in the next two weeks and that will change everything. I've got Monday off.

MiL has also decided she wants some attention and we've had the Age UK team and the local Safer Neighborhood team both on the phone today expressing concern. J will have to go over tomorrow. I've made her some Granny Meals so she'll have something to eat for a few days at least.

Dinner was floppy fridge veg, some Thai sauce from last week's cupboard clear out and some frozen cod. It was very nice.

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