Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Today we wandered along to a wee local (dog friendly) cafe for lunch. And very nice it was too, though my egg was slightly overdone. I piked out of walking any further - and toddled back home while JR and Archie went off for a romp in the Meadows.

But I did not go home, I popped in to the Red Box for a flat white, and Oh Look! Big scones full of blueberries, strawberries and dates. I texted JR with the news and she changed direction, cut short the walk, and arrived before I’d finished my scone. Besides, it had started to drizzle. Poor wee Archie - no wonder he always tries to drag us past cafes.

His beard, which used to be snowy white when he was a wee lad, has been getting more stained. We have tried all sorts of things, but have sent for a new shampoo to try. The beard is not too bad when it's dry, which is when I usually take photos of him, but when he's had a drink, or been snuffling in muddy ground, it's 'orrible. So he has a daily beardwash'n'blow dry. He puts up with it, but will sometimes put his paw on top of the drier when he's had enough.

Booked a cinema ticket for tomorrow - it's usually mobbed for the (£4.50) Friday afternoon session. 

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