Godrevy Island

After such a lovely day yesterday, today was a return to the dismal weather of the previous day. It's looking better from here though!

By the middle of the afternoon, the rain slackened and my computer said that the sun might make a brief appearance. I headed out towards Godrevy Lighthouse. I've been there once before (pre-blipping days) and got some lovely shots of waves spray up through the rocks. That wasn't going to happen today for two reasons a) the tide was out b) the road to the headland car park was closed. I turned back and made for Gwithian beach which leads on to the aforementioned rocks. It's a bit of a way though and with the wind blowing as it was, you'd probably lose several layers of skin from being sandblasted, by the time you got there.

The wide expanse of beach was pristine and with some dark rocks breaking through the flat sand, which made a great backdrop for the lighthouse I wandered around the beach, braving the sandblasting and took quite a few shots. I was ready to go home when when I noticed that the sky was beginning to colour. I got myself to a good position and took the shot you see as my blip. It didn't get any better and the colour soon faded to grey.

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