I was happy, that it was Wide Wednesday again and I had an excellent excuse to use my new wide angle lens. Okay, I'll need no excuse to use it :-D
I had a lot of equipment with me and had a blip for the theme "shapes" in my mind. BUT, silly my, I forgot the SD-card at home. Yes, that happens from time to time.
(Memo ot me #1: Check the card and don't remove your spare card)
I neigher had a lot of power in my mobile, so this is my poor blip for WW.
But it doesn't matter, I'm much too late with my entry. M.'s thesis had definitely a higher priority to me.
(Memo to me#2: Never promise to help with something like that!)
And what's about this wall?
It is set up by our local stonemason. He was joking that it is a kind of lego for people who has only gross motor skills :-)
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