Views of my world

By rosamund


I wonder if the flowers will last until my actual birthday? I'd better put the sachet of flower food in as I forgot to do that yesterday. They're in a cool spot by the front door so hopefully they'll be happy there for the next week or so.

Another busy day at work, achieved a few things though and brought some order to my desk which was much needed as I'll be out and about for at least 3 days next week. It's going to be a busy couple of weeks.

Pleased to here that Freya is staying home this weekend while Noah goes to his dad's. Parties and rehearsals keep her in Inverclyde which suits me just fine. Up early to get the boy to Glasgow by 10am though but he an I are always first up on a Saturday these days anyway so no big deal.

Been sitting tonight with iPad in one hand and glass of Pinot Grigio in the other reliving many childhood memories via blip having stumbled across superhero who lives in Eaglesham, proving once more that its a small blipworld after all!

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