A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


When we extended the house many years ago we had to close off the window in the loo. It's provided a handy bookshelf.

Although it doesn't exactly fit the shelf* the book "The Compleat Loo" - the history of the WC - was clearly mandatory.

* If we were to drift on to the subject or organising books by size, for, I insist, pragmatic shelf-fitting-efficiency reasons, we could be here for some time. It's not a theory that E subscribes to, who seems to find something fundamentally unacceptable with arranging The Hobbit beside Practical Clock Repairing.

Interesting day at work. We'd ring-fenced a couple of days to put aside our usual fettling and fixing. Instead we got creative and put together some fun 'demonstration' applications for our product. Putting ourselves in the customer's shoes for once was entertaining, and quite illuminating.

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