Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Found objects#2

The grim weather continued and disrupted the trains, leaving me wrapped up in scarf and hat and sitting on a wintry station platform. On the plus side our new neighbour appeared and we chatted on the short journey down to Guildford; seems like a nice guy.

My day was full of interruptions as usual. I never seem to get anywhere near making serious headway into my workload. And as usual exhaustion set in mid afternoon.

Coming home the weather was better but the disruption continued. Everywhere was crowded, everyone was crabby and tired. Or am I just projecting? 

This item of clothing was dropped on the station concourse. Lost gloves are so emotive because they so closely resemble the part of the body they have abandoned; scarves and socks and jumpers never seem to articulate the sense of loss and reaching out that a set of woolly fingers does.

We’re okay but we’re not in a bouncy place as a household. TSM has a lousy cold and The Dizzle is still only recovering slowly from his Israeli adventures. A trip to the vet showed that Scout is overweight and comes in at 8kg which is far too much (particularly when you consider that he only has three legs). He starts a diet tomorrow. Dylan needs to have his anal glands manipulated on a bi-monthly basis as well (wonder if that would work for me?). 

But tomorrow we will be bouncy as we will be celebrating Strider’s 30th birthday...

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