More ablutions
Honestly - I was going to take some pictures of something different today but sadly, you get more bird ablutions. Actually, it was very nearly a new visitor to the birdbath - a goldfinch. He looked rather resplendent with his red face and golden wing insignia.....much more colourful than the spuggies, Mrs T or Mr B. Anyway - he flew away before I got my hands on my camera so instead, Mrs T features once again after her morning dip.
Onto other things - began the day with a rather long list of things I'd like to get done and actually managed to get through a good few of them........finished cleaning 2 outdoor tables, acquired new table top for van and fitted it (it's just a bit bigger than the old one.....more space to spread stuff out on!), took garden chair to nice man who is going to make me some new covers (the old one's being probably well over 15 years old and well past their best); took filter holder to another nice man - this one a glass cutter - and he made me a handful of glass plates to experiment with in the filter holder. Oh - and bought some coffee from my favourite coffee shop. Planning ahead for my trip, I know I want/need to have some nice coffee for my daily brew. Instead of buying a large bag of my go-to roast they suggested buying much smaller bags. That way, the coffee will stay fresher longer (each bag is heat sealed) and I could try a variety of their roasts - brilliant idea!
There's still plenty on the list to do tomorrow, but for now - tennis!
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