Daunti's world

By daunti

The labyrinth

I was so happy that the labyrinth was set up for the new year retreat. A labyrinth is my favorite prayers discipline. I always hear God speak to me here. This labyrinth is special to me because I was part of the team who painted it when this was my church home. This labyrinth has many stories which is why it’s a so called thin place. A place when human meets divine. Today when I walked into it my fathers passing was what was on my mind. The morning session of the retreat was about looking back on last year and leaving whatever behind, the afternoon was about looking forward into the new year. As I was looking through my journal for the year I realized ten out of the twelve months last year were consumed with my father failing very rapidly and it was so hard to watch. He did pass this past October. So it was natural for him to be a big part of the letting go part of this retreat which made me sad as I was walking towards the middle of the labyrinth. When I got to the middle there was a bowl. I am use to at this point picking out an angel card for a guidance word but the bowl was empty. I was a little freaked out trying to figure out how to process this. My first thought was an offering. And God spoke to me and I was told to leave my grief in this empty bowl which I did. I had an empty feeling but a good empty feeling afterwards as I was walking back out of the labyrinth. God did take some of my grief for me. I know he wants me to make room for other stuff. This was such a divine experience for me. This is why I love this work and want others to experience this closeness to God. I did talk to who was leading the retreat and she told me they were using the angel cards for the afternoon session. I told her of my experience and she just smiled.
I love God!

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