
By seddon

Up to mischief!

Last night wasn't a good night, mummy isn't really sure why, but I was awake and crying for a lot of the night, that bad that I even woke daddy up!
After we'd dropped Thomas off at school, me and mummy went home and I helped mummy to eat her breakfast. We played with my animals and read some books, and then we both had a little power nap!!
We headed out at lunch time to meet Kate, Claire and baby Finn at a garden centre. I ate all of my lunch and then demanded to share mummys too. I kept shouting and then saying 'ot oh' 'mmmm mmm' and looking round mummy to grin at Kate who was laughing at me.
After lunch me and Kate had some snuggles, and mummy had some cuddles with Finn. (I got very jealous!)
Daddy was home when we got back and I stayed at home with him whilst mummy went to collect things from school.
Me and Thomas both had a bath and a story before bed.
Mummy and daddy are hoping I sleep better tonight!!

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