
By Mindseye

Heart felt

.......they are actually felt heart shaped petals on a cushion that lives besides me on the sofa! Not taken a single shot today other than this!!

Slept great, a whisky hot toddy followed by 2 max strength flu capsules saw to that ;-) got a bit of a cough today, but still feeling ok,
My toe is purple but not so painful now.

This morning we had to pop to Lidl, when we had a call off Neil, youngest, to say that his referral to A&E at the Eye Hospital had found no signs of a detached retina, despite his symptoms, thank goodness!! After that they popped to his opticians which is local to us, to collect his new frames, so we met up with them for an early lunch, omlette for me, tryi f to be good, before they took the frames back to the hospital opticians, who are sourcing his new lens.

The rain came as promised around midday and its been cold.......so we all got wet when we parted around 1.30pm.

Back home, groceries away, prepped the veg for dinner, griddled salmon, noodles and stir fried veggies for me, hub decided he was just going to have a prawn in marie rose sauce sandwich.....mind you, he did have a tuna melt panini with chips for lunch ;-)

Now chilling on the sofa, hence the blip, just watching the footie, sad to sayfellow blipper Riversiders team are up against it :-/

A bit of hobbling here and there, not much proper walking for a few more days yet!

Day 13/14 = 2.5 miles
Year. = 39.3 miles

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