Full day ....

..... on leaving the pool!
I was in the pool at 8.25am this morning, temperature just right , did my usual 50 minutes, then after a couple of mobile contacts I went to Sainsbury's for food shop and petrol . Was really ready for a cuppa when I got home at midday .
I had a long telephone call from daughter C , hope I managed to give a bit of verbal support! Apparently my granddaughter fell at the weekend and cut her chin ( she now has stitches in situ!) what else can happen to that family, it seems there something new everyday .
The wind and rain has been awful all day. Which meant all the wet washing ( done this am) is hanging around indoors.
Enjoy the rest of your evening blippers
"A's" birthday today , will celebrate on Thursday in the mean time , happy birthday .

Grateful ..... that I could get to the pool before it rained.

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