Birthday Girl
So birthday was yesterday and I didn’t get to take any photos when family were here. To be honest, I had a bad sinus attack and I was all set up to cook a fancy meal for L and the local family including GKs - I managed to do it all despite feeling bad and things improved later - did Broccoli and goat cheese soup, Rainbow trout and asparagus risotto and then branched our with the desert - creme (as in Creme Brûlée) but instead of brûlée I topped with some berries and meringue and then set fire to the meringue with grand marnier on fire. The meal in the photo was the following day after fighting fires at the new Buon GIorno and was a great new experience at the Clay Pigeon - a top Fort Worth restaurant that is going to start serving our coffee soon. Here L enjoying her bone marrow starter!
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