All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Film Crew

Hubby in the doghouse today after "popping out" around midnight to get a kebab promising he wouldn't be long, and then staggering back home rather the worse for wear at 3.30am (having been uncontactable in between). I had to get up early today to go to work so have been feeling rather tired and grumpy all day as a result of my sleepless night! Grrrr!

After I'd finished my shift, I drove along to Sighthill with the intention of taking a quick photo of something I've been intending to blip for several weeks now. However, as I was driving along Calder Road, I spied a rather substantial looking film crew amongst one of the housing blocks so decided to be nosey, and went along for a wee peek. I hadn't got the nerve to go up really close and ask what they were filming. But I've been doing a bit of research since I got home and reckon it might be a new James Nesbitt film. I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for that being released so I can see if I'm right or not!

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